Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Artist Statement Outine

Thesis: Christopher Reeves the original Superman in the movie would know whats its like to be a superhero, and yet he says that it doesn't take super powers and a cape. All it takes is the bravery, courage, and selflessness that the firefighters and everyday citizens in our great Nation have demonstrated through the September Eleven tragic event.

Body Paragraph 1: Christopher Reeves and his connection to Superman and why he feels the way about his quote.
Body Paragraph 2: Firefighters and 9/11, that they ran towards the burning buildings while everyone else ran away.
Body Paragraph 3: Why it only takes bravery, courage, and selflessness to be a hero, that it could be anyone.

Conclusion: Why its important to be hero in our lives, to help the ones in need and do the best of our abilities for others. That it requires the hard work, but that its not impossible, where we can find a hero in anyone from teachers, to doctors, to even our parents.

September Eleven Information
Christopher Reeves

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