Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Really Awesome Book Club

I really liked our literature group because we were all super cute and creative. The best part was that it was like a book club but only a lot more enjoyable, the food, and our board game.

I don’t think I would change anything next time, probably choose a smaller book, because it felt like even though I had a month to read my novel, I read every day for half an hour and it still seemed like I was behind. But I always caught up so it wasn’t too bad.

We read “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck. The novel was about the Joad family traveling to California in hopes of a better life. It also had to do with the industrialization that the country was going through, because there were “infinite demands with finite resources”. There were too many people with starving families, and very few job spots that paid very little.

I am looking forward to reading our next book “Slaughter House Five” because I heard that it was a very good book and my group is pretty awesome. 

Obama Socialism

I believe that the socialist label on Obama’s political proposals is not correct. His intention to improve our country was to “spread the wealth around” so we don’t again end up with the rich few, and the many poor workers. McCain and Palin referred to Obama’s plan as “a little bit like socialism.” Just to get the media’s attention and to “promote the idea that Obama’s tax and health-care policies evoke socialism.” 

 A historic connection with Obama’s proposals can relate back to the industrial era. The reason for that is because Obama is trying to prevent our country from being run by only the very few powerful and wealthy. During the industrial era, only the men that owned all the land and factories made money. Everyone else was just a desperate worker who was treated unfairly in his working environment. By “spreading the wealth around” we have a chance to be equal and not be categorized by “class”.  

Sources Cited
  • Dave Michaels and Todd J. Gillman, Dallas Morning News, McCain Remarks on Obama 'Socialism' Viewed as a Stretch, 19 October 2008, Link, Accessed 21 April 2009.