Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Presidential Debates are nothing more then a Rerun

"McCain, Obama fight for title of 'most qualified'"

One hundred and fifty years ago, the small state of Illinois withheld the seven most incredible debates our country has seen at it’s time. Lincoln and Douglas debated over issues that included their countries society, politics, and economics. The debates in Freeport, Quincy and Alton received the most attention from the public because slavery was a monumental issue that was important to the citizens. “ I do not now, nor ever did, stand in favor of the unconditional repeal of the Fugitive Slave law.” Said Lincoln when questioned at his second debate in Freeport Illinois. Though Lincoln in his heart was not for slavery, he has to say things to make the people happy. Which is why the debates were so contradictory with what he really believed in, and what the people wanted him to believe. Between morality and or a matter or public policy.

Eight years ago President George W. Bush had his first presidential debate against Al Gore. Issues that showed up during the debates regarded abortion, medicare, energy policy, and more, which also fall into the categories of society, politics, and economics. The candidates just tried to make their ideas sound so much better then their opponents.
"I have actually not questioned Governor Bush's experience. I have questioned his proposals," Gore said. "In this election, America has to make an important choice: Will we use our prosperity to enrich not just the few but all of our families? I believe we have to make the right and responsible choices."

Of course we have all heard about the famous vice presidential debate concerning Palin and Biden. In the debate Palin tried to portray Biden and Obama “obsessed with the failures of President Bush”, even though Palin was also guilty of bringing up Bush in a negative way. Biden on the other hand would avoid direct challenges to Palin and instead “worked to undermine McCain, who has sought throughout the campaign to distance himself from an unpopular president.” Issues they discussed were offshore drilling, global warming, tax plans, gay marriage, and the war in Iraq.

Now its time for a new president, and our two candidates are Obama and McCain. On their debates McCain Criticized Obama as a candidate who “doesn’t understand” the key issues that the country faces, and Obama “linked McCain to President Bush on several issues”. A lot of the issues related towards the war in Iraq, government spending, bailout proposal, economy and foreign policy. All issues that can be related back to once again; society, politics, and economics. The candidates have changed, the generation has changed, but never has the same problems that our country still holds differed. We can see the pattern clearly that tie all those debates together, which were the main issues, and to try and push yourself forward while pushing your candidate back.

I really do believe that the historical context never transformed into something new. The problems that our country has will continue along through even more future generations to come. Obama personally doesn’t approve of gay marriage, but he has to help abide the laws for it because its what the people want. The exact thing happened one hundred and fifty years ago with Lincoln. Its like a cycle that won’t stop repeating.


Lincoln and Douglas Debate
First Gore Bush Debate
Vice Presidential Debate
The first McCain Obama Debate Transcript

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